June 2, 2016
And so here it is. After years of not writing, and trying to juggle, and having something to say, but what has felt like no time to say it, I am blogging again.
It feels good.
I had one of those days today. One of those inspiring, soul
affirming, yes I am in the right job and place and calling and at the right
moment, types of days. Isn’t that amazing? How often does that happen? It’s
been a while for me.
I got to attend CARE’s Gender Equity and Diversity Training
yesterday and today, and it was amazing. I felt like I was in my own skin and
soul, exploring topics and using skills and muscles that I was meant to use. It
felt like home. Then I got to have dinner (and even drinks,) with a like-minded
colleague to strategize through how we could bring this to our own
organization, FHI 360. It felt like I had a comrade in the fight, and one who
shares my optimism and enthusiasm for the journey. How lucky am I.
This feels like the Elise Young that I know…like the Elise
Young that I like.